Functional Nutrition Therapy

Lets get to the root

Conventional medicine is about health being convenient. Better health means there must be a change and changes are difficult. Have you ever been told, everything is fine, but you know that it’s not? Let me help.

  • Functional Nutrition is focused on finding the root cause of a health problem and supporting it through diet and lifestyle changes. Shepperding Wellness takes an in-depth evaluation of your health-history and together we come up with a plan to improve your symptoms or condition using diet, lifestyle modification, and supplements as needed.

    Wellness is not a quick fix. It is a sacrifice, but we will come up with a plan that works for you and your individual needs.

    Initial appointments are 1-2 hours and will include a Wellness Plan for the client. Follow up appointments are generally 30-60-minutes.

What best describes your goals?

  • Precision Nutrition

    Tired of carousel diet guess work?

    Nutrigenomics — or nutritional genomics — looks at the relationship between your unique genes and the nutrients you consume and how you perform.

    3x4 Brochure

    Example Report

  • Food Sensitivities

    My family and I struggle with persistent stomach issues, chronic inflammation, and more.

    Find out what foods are causing your symptoms. Food sensitivities can cause underlying inflammation leading to many chronic diseases. Which include the following: Migraine,Depression, ADD/ADHD, Epilepsy, GERD, Asthma, Cyclic vomiting syndrome, PCOS, IBS, Interstitial cystitis, Arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease

  • Happy Hormones

    The doctor says everything is normal, but deep down you still don’t feel right.

    Hormone health is based on more than just the functionality of your hormones. They rely on multiple other bodily systems. It is important to consider these systems when it comes to your individual hormone health.

  • Gut Health

    It takes Guts!

    Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, mental fog, anxiety. Something is just not right and never really has been.

    Lets figure out why!

  • Metabolic Health

    All systems in your body at the core rely on a healthy metabolism. If your hormones are out of wack and you are deficient in certain nutrients then your body will not work properly.

    Lets get your metabolism back again.

  • Fat Loss

    What’s weighing you down?

    All of that sounds great, but all I want is someone to help me lose fat and build muscle.

    I want help with a sustainable fat loss program eating the foods I LOVE!

Meet Kelsey